Despite popular belief, flirting isn't just for single people. No - I don't mean that you should leave your partner at home and head out to some manky club and chat up girls in mini-skirts or boys in tank tops.

Flirting with your long terms partner can help keep the love alive with your long term flame.

I recently was given a few tips on "How It's Done" when it comes to "In Relationship Flirting" from dating expert, Katia-Loisel Furey. The results were... interesting... to say the least.


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So what have we learned? Well, it turns out that awkward chatting and cutesy gags hardly get the ladies going. Sure, those adorable puppy eyes might keep your girl snuggling with you on the couch watching a rom-com... but when it comes to steamy nights in the boudoir, there are some sure fire tips to keeps things hot.

Physical Contact
Something as simple as a light, subtle stroke on the arm during conversation can do wonders to your women without her even knowing it. It turns out the physical contact releases certain pheromones that can get a woman in the mood without dinner and movie!

Kiss Goodbye or Hello
Heading off to work with a kiss is just a nice way to start the day - whether you are the one leaving or the partner staying home to be with the children. Walking in the door at night - or greeting the person returning - can be a boost for both.

And not just a peck - let's make this one count guys!

Staying in Shape
This is important because it lets your partner know that you still care enough about them to remain fit and attractive just for them.

Eye Contact
This is incredibly important. Hold eye contact with your loved one - ever if that means missing out on the replay of that amazing Blake Griffin dunk. Blake Griffin dunk replays will always be there... your partner can leave at anytime!

Love Talk
Tell your partner at least once a day that you love them - and mean it.

Be Considerate
Don't forget that your work - whether in an office or at home - is not the only hard graft going around. Your partner also is working hard. It's good form to ask how their day was before launching into your own story.

Be Genuine
Forget cheesy one liners - keep it simple, say what you mean. Keep it from the heart and those love bubbles will continue to grow and grow! The last thing you need is to embarrass yourself with the sorts of lines that make people grown... as seen below.